For the practical research investigation I am exploring the relevance of lettering within logo design, having touched on this area frequently in my contextual research so far. My initial ideas include a comparative exploration between brands that use very common, well known typefaces for their logo and my own versions of each logo in a hand rendered fashion. This way I will be observing through trial and error how relevant lettering is and can be when typefaces are so accessible to use for a brand's identity.
I thought of several ways I could push this idea further, with the intention of creating a printed publication showcasing the comparisons. I considered taking hand rendered logotypes and picking a suitable typeface instead, then having a second part to the book which explores common typefaces in an alternative hand rendered style.
I started to look at well known high street brands that use a solid typeface for their logo. Coffee shops seemed like an appropriate starting point as their customers primarily use the businesses for personal breaks and with coffee being a highly diverse product to sell (each individual has a certain favourite or formula for how they like their coffee) these brands convey the values that hand lettering is most appropriate for.