Tuesday, 5 November 2013

OUGD401 - Typography & Art vs. GD

How far back does type go?

- stone carvings in Roman era
- Gutenberg press (1450s) began mass dissemination of knowledge.

Stages of type:
- script/blackletter
- classical oldstyle
- transitional
- modern
- swiss modern
- contemporary

Everyone interacts with typography every day of their lives.

Walter Gropius - form vs. function - the latter should come first.

If you've done something right then it shouldn't be noticed that you've done anything at all.


What are the differences between Fine Art and Graphic Design?

- Fine Art doesn't have to have a function - it is aesthetic
- Graphics has more rules and principles
- In Graphics you have to make the message clear for it to work
- communication is straight forward in Graphic Design
- it's pretentious in both Graphics and Fine Art
- myth surrounds the production of Fine Art
- Graphic Design educates and persuades
- Fine Art is based on own interpretations as well

Arisman M. (2003) - "Is there a fine art to illustration?"

- Fine Art is pure
- Illustration is the beginning of selling out
- Graphic Design is commercial art
- Advertising is selling

political - culture of higher class
Not everyone visits galleries but everyone encounters Graphic Design

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