Friday, 15 November 2013

OUGD403 - Evaluation of Module 1

Across the past 7 weeks since beginning the course I have improved my skills as a designer in many ways, from drawing skills to computer based design and my technical skills as well.  Over the 5 studio briefs we have completed there are elements in each one that have pushed me further in both the research and practical design concepts in Graphics.

In the first brief of the module we learnt about the anatomy of typographic forms which enabled me to see and appreciate type in a different way.  I really enjoyed hand-drawing and developing my letterforms for this brief as I came to know my chosen font 'garamond' a lot better than I originally thought and began to like serif fonts as much as sans serif - my former preference.

I found the Illustrator workshops really helpful in improving my ability to design on the computer as I had previously only worked on Photoshop, which although is a good piece of software for certain things it doesn't allow as much freedom to design as Illustrator.  Speaking to James in the Mac suite I could gain further knowledge on the tools available in Illustrator and was then able to create my modified typeface digitally.  We also learnt how to print in the digital print room which I think is very useful knowledge to have as a graphic designer especially on this course to showcase our work in a professional manner and present our growing body of work over the next three years.

When creating the typeface for my partner I studied several different existing font faces before applying what I had learnt into practice to create a distinct typeface that represented my partner's personality.  This enabled us to engage with our peers and work well as a pair finding out information about one another to create a suitable typeface, testing our communication skills.

Brief 4 allowed us to develop an in-depth body of research based on an article of our interest in the news.  My media-related skills have improved by recognising differences in tabloid and broadsheet newspapers as well as the tone of voice and target audience they are communicating the message to.  This led me to be open to creating my own designs for three high impact posters related to the issue I had researched into.  As well as learning about the concepts behind poster design I also improved my skills in layout design and practical design work including physically drawing and creating my posters rather than modifying them digitally.  An aspect I could improve on is developing my design skills further on Illustrator, however I need more time to learn more about the tools I can use and how to use them effectively and quickly.

Throughout the whole module I have gained knowledge on the theory and practical side of Graphic Design, primarily focusing on typography, a topic I enjoy working on and am looking forward to learning more about.

Although Blogger is not the most ideal website to document our development process on I have enjoyed keeping up to date with my blog as it helps me to make sure I am on track with each brief and means I can refer back to previous work if necessary.

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